Class 1965
Articles and News of Class 1965
在逗留溫市期間,曾經嘗試及值得一提,有讚有彈的食肆:金豪的雲吞麵、水餃麵、筋肚麵;喜悅粥麵美食的豬膶肉片粥、油條、炸兩;上海一只鼎的生煎包;隨園的招牌熏煨肉、擔擔麵;魯豫食府的招牌雞燜魚泡餅、蒜蓉粉絲娃娃菜、大拉皮、蕃茄疙瘩湯;油雞洪燒臘菜館的龍崗玫瑰油雞、金沙炒溫哥華蟹、清蒸游水石斑;皇燕的越南蟹羔湯米粉、招牌特別魚蛋湯米粉,可比美香港仔謝記山窿潮州魚蛋;鮮豐鐵鍋料理的豬什粥;黎良記的板筋腩麵,但用料比以前差;誼園茶餐廳的秘製豉油雞、金菇腐皮球、咖哩牛筋腩;粥麵館的薑葱炒頂角溫哥華肉蟹;東海樓的福建炒飯;還有在朋友家烹調的陳皮蒸鮮鮑魚、清蒸游水石斑魚、菜薳油泡石斑球、油泡象拔蚌等海上鮮;還有在Hastings 街之 Enoteca Cotto Pizzeria 的蛤蜊意大利粉、蒜蓉焗麵包、炸魷魚圏、意大利烤餅;Yew街之marine drive golf course 會所的咖啡、烤原條鱒魚、燒烤牛肋骨;Steveston 碼頭之Sockeye City Grill 的圓錐盤盛放的炸魷魚條、冰凍啤酒,能夠坐在路旁,觀看這繁忙的花花世界;Gastown 之 Flying Pig 的炸魚薯條,但她的手撕熏豬肉就不敢恭維了。(註:食物乃純屬個人口味)
這次遊溫,沒有開車之便,馬死落地行,學習乘搭公共交通,以巴士來往高貴林住所至skytrain,穿梭 skytrain 全線系統,暢遊各大商場地標,計有高貴林中心、 Metropolis at Metrotown、 Waterfront、Gastown、McArthurGlen Outlet、香港仔中心、列治文中心、唐人街、以至來回機場。- 鄧偉燊
- 鄧偉燊
4 WYK’65 having dinner at Gerrard’s Corner in London UK. From left to right: Vincent P C Lee 李平章, from Edmonton, Canada, MinKang Cai 蔡敏康, Hong Kong, Lydia Cai, Linda Lee, Margaret Hu, Stella Lee, Frankie Lee 李兆輝, Perth, Australia, Bonbon Hu 何芃芃, Toronto, Canada ~ July 28, 2019.
(Picture above) Standing L to R, Norman So, Lam Kam Poe, Matthew Tam, John Shek, KC Lee, Albert Lee, Lau Tze Man, Regis Lo, Leslie Chang, Helena Chang, Lydia Choi, Joe Pang
Sitting L to R, Francis Choi, Adrian Leung, Petrus Wai, Henry Zee, Stephen Chan, Rowena Chan, Carrie Choy
Blessed indeed, Frankie's mom looks about 80, wouldn't you agree (see photos)!
Very alert, active, hearing and sight probably better than mine......
captions: photos from L to R & T to B
1-3: as we were introduced to Frankie's mom - she's so happy to meet us....
4: Alex Lau Ying-Yuan, whom I met last time KC and I visited Frankie some 12-15 years ago;
5: Someone handed me a bottle of beer....; I found a good way to use it.....;
6: Frankie's beautiful house, which HE BUILT IT HIMSELF, literally, had recent additions to it on second floor; very nice job! 9: Our tour bus parked on the driveway.
(When I said "I built my house....", I hired a contractor. Frankie didn't, just got some help, handled everything himself, amazing talents!);
7: Our driver and tour guide.....; kept us entertained... Thanks Frankie, nice job. Lucky us! Felt very safe and comfortable with this driver, who is used to driving heavy-duty fire trucks.... "Piece of cake!" he says.
8. BBQed huge lobster-halves...., yummy! (technically crayfish, no claws.)
From Frank Lee ('65), "I wish to thank Vincent & Linda Lee, Jimmy & Yolanda Chan, Mike & Nancy Chung, Adrian & Miranda Leung, and Leslie & Helena Cheung for coming to Perth to visit us in March. I took the opportunity to take them on a couple of road trips, north to Shark Bay and South to Albany and Margaret River. I also have to thank them in participating in my mum’s 101st birthday celebration. Together with Alex Lau, we wish all of them were enjoying their time here as much as we did."
Photos by Adrian Leung ('65), click here to see more.
Class of ’65 organized a get-together dim sum lunch at Paradise Fine Chinese Dining on Friday January 11. Sabina and Teresa, daughters of Mr. Ho, Chan Sui Man (’71) and Jeff Mah (’78) also joined the gathering. Click here to see more pictures.