Dear Classmates,

Based on our various meetings here in Hong Kong, I have compiled a document containing all relevant information for our 50th Reunion. There are links on the first page taking you to the daily itineraries and various major topics within the document. There are still quite a few issues to be resolved as you can see.  In our last planning meeting here in Hong Kong, we agreed that getting a firm handle on numbers for certain events is needed in order to make solid progress from here on.
This report seeks your support to make a deposit of roughly 50% for each of the three dinners and the Fujian trip; participation in other activities do not pose logistical problems and therefore do not require good estimates of numbers. The deposit for each dinner is set at HK$200 per head per occasion and that for the Fujian trip is HK$2,500 per head; for the convenience of those overseas, an approximate amount in foreign currencies can be paid locally. To reduce exchange losses, payment can be made to regional coordinators who will then settle with Leslie later on here in Hong Kong; our coordinators are CK 陈中健 for USA,Andrew 邓伟燊 for Canada,Frankie 李绍晖 for Rest of Word,Vincent 梁子正 and Leslie 张叔千 for Hong Kong.  They will contact all known classmates and secure deposits to help finalize events requiring firm estimates.  Regis 罗烈光 has kindly set up a Facebook account to locate members not in contact so far, please help him in this effort. I have done up an Excel spreadsheet containing those known in various regions, including previously published complete class lists so that all can see who are still missing and help to bring them onboard.
Norman 苏中平 produced a list of teachers who taught us, are still living and in good health.  Apart from Father Smyth, a maximum of three teachers live overseas.  Joe 彭振声  is managing the teacher sponsorship programme.  For those who are able and willing to make contributions, please contact Joe. We ought to send out invitations to teachers by the end of May at the latest so that travel plans could be made.
On behalf of all those involved in planning our reunion here in Hong Kong, I count on your enthusiastic support.
Best wishes to you all.
Francis 敏康