"Dear classmates of WYK1975,

I am sad to receive a message that our classmate Poon Siu Kow passed away this morning, May 14. 

Poon Siu Kow studied in 1B, 2B, 3B, 4C, 5C, 6A & 7A. 

Details of his funeral are listed below: 

14/6 (Sat) 設靈- 鑽石山殯儀館

15/6 (Sun) 出殯

I understand Keung Yiu-ming, Chan Hing-yau and Lai Kin-to are familiar with his family members. They can be contacted for further details. 

I will arrange a flower wreath in name of WYK1975. 

Take care in all aspects. 

Best regards,

LAI Wing Leung, Peter"

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