Fr. Kane taught at WYK in 1960-61 and at WYHK in 1967-69.

His last post was the Superior of St. Francis Xavier Spirituality Centre in Cheung Chau  where Wah Yan staff and students make their retreat.


(The English version of this message follows the Chinese one)




冀世安神父是聯合書院湯若望宿舍首任舍監,自一九七一年起書院遷入沙田新校舍至一九九四年榮休,擔任書院全職舍監二十三年,為聯合書院培 育一代又一代的同學,並為書院的發展勞心勞力,深得同學、教職員及校友愛戴。

冀神父在任內為書院貢獻良多,作為書院首座學生宿舍的舍監,參與規劃新宿舍內各項設施的分配及使用,讓同學在同一屋簷下愉快學習、生活及 成長,並且互相砥礪,培養深厚友誼,使他們對宿舍及書院充滿感情。宿舍剛建成時,冀神父指導同學成立首屆宿生會,讓宿生會幹事協助其他同 學須利入宿。在宿舍管理方面,冀神父多年來在宿舍管理委員會上的貢獻尤為重要,他協助書院訂定首份宿舍規則,並按宿舍的發展不斷完善,為 其後書院先後建成的另外三所學生宿舍提供借鑒。

冀神父榮休後仍積極支持書院,經常出席書院的慶典及參與湯若望宿舍的活動,亦與很多書院舊生保持密切聯絡,積極支持促成『湯宿之友』校友 組職的成立。

冀世安神父一九三二年出生於愛爾蘭都柏林,畢業於都柏林大學。一九五八年加入耶穌會,一九六四年成為神父。冀神父在一九五八年到香港,早 年曾任教於九龍及香港華仁書院。冀神父曾為香港電台第四台任宗教音樂節目主持,亦是資深合唱團成員。冀神父擔任湯若望宿舍舍監期間,每周 於宿舍內小聖堂主持公開彌撤,服務校內及附近社區,深受愛戴。

為紀念及表揚冀世安神父對聯合書院的貢獻,聯合書院現決定設立「冀世安神父紀念獎」,計劃頒予優秀的聯合書院同學。現專函奉達,誠盼諸位 慷慨捐款成立紀念獎,以表對冀世安神父之懷念,更惠澤學子。


如有垂詢,請聯絡書院助理院務主任陳文軒先生(電話:3943 7345)或余慧欣女士(電話:3943 7584)。對各位之響應及支持,謹此敬致謝忱!


余濟美  敬啟

Dear UC Alumni

Establishment of “Father Ciaran F. Kane Memorial Prize”

Members of United College are in fond memory of our beloved Father Ciaran F. Kane who passed away on 5 February 2013 in Hong Kong at the age of 80.

Father Ciaran F. Kane was the founding Director of Adam Schall Residence (ASR) since the moving in to the Shatin Campus of the College in 1971.  He served as a full-time Director of ASR for 23 years until his retirement in 1994. Generations of “Glorious United Man” were nurtured by Father Kane. Throughout his distinguished affiliation with United College in the past decades, Father Kane has made invaluable advice and guidance to the development of the College and was loved and respected by the College community.

In his directorship of the first student hostel on the College campus, Father Kane participated in the facility planning as well as resource allocation for the hostel, before the opening of ASR.  Residents of ASR learnt, lived and grew up under the same warm roof, developing life-long friendship among fellow students, with thankful heart to United College. Upon the first moving in of students to ASR, the first residents’ association was established with the supervision and advices of Father Kane. Members of the association helped in the smooth check-in of all new residents.  For the management of hostels as a whole, Father Kane contributed significantly to the College’s Hostel Management Committee, especially in the setting of hostel rules for residents and to revise them from time to time, which became a model for the three newer hostels of the College to follow.

Father Kane’s close ties with the College still continued after his retirement.  He jointed most of the College ceremonial functions as well as activities of ASR. He was in close connection with many former students and contributed significantly on the formation of the “Friends of ASR” alumni organization.

Born in Durbin, Ireland in 1932, Father Ciaran F. Kane was a graduate of the University College Dublin (National University of Ireland). He entered the Society of Jesus in 1958 and was ordained as a priest in 1964. Father Kane came to Hong Kong in 1958 and was a teacher of the two Wah Yan Colleges in Hong Kong. He has also worked as an anchor of a religious music programme for RTHK Radio 4.  He was a dedicated choir member too. During Father Kane’s directorship at ASR, he served in the small chapel of ASR a mass every week for University members as well as for the nearby community and was very welcome by; all participants.

To honour Father Kane’s distinguished contribution to United College, it is proposed that a memorial prize for outstanding students of United College be set up in his name.

We would hereby cordially invite generous donations from all of you in support of this memorable cause, for our love and respect to Father Kane, as well as to benefit our youngsters. Please fill in the donation form and return it to United College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. 

Kindly accept our sincere thanks for your generous support. If you need further information, please contact the Assistant College Secretary Mr Tony Chan on 3943 7345 or Miss Sindy Yu on 3943 7584.

Professor Jimmy C M Yu
Head, United College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong