James Tong Scholarship at WYK in support of students in need. Please click here to view the Appeal Letter by Principal Chung
James Tong passed away on October 4, 2020. His wife Marita wrote a touching tribute in which she said in lieu of flowers, “James will be very pleased if you do an unexpected act of generosity in his name.” To honour her wish and in the spirit of what James had done all his life, we looked into different options by way of setting up a James Tong fund to help students in Hong Kong. We are pleased that WYK has a “Fr. Kelly Educational Fund Ltd” in place, and under this fund, we can easily set up a Professor James Tong Scholarship for Resilience” (see separate document attached) to help students in need. Recipients of James Tong scholarship, each in the amount of HK$10,000, will be WYK students from S.1 to S.6 who have shown resilience in adversity and displayed satisfactory academic and non-academic performance despite family financial hardship. Under this fund, WYK will report to us each year how many James Tong scholarships are awarded using donations to James Tong Scholarship.
How to donate?
If you wish to donate, there are two ways you may do so.
(1) Write a crossed personal cheque or bank cheque payable to “Fr. Kelly Educational Fund Ltd”, in Hong Kong dollars or foreign currency, and put down at the left-hand lower corner or on the back “for James Tong Scholarship”, and send the cheque to: Fr. Kelly Educational Fund Ltd., Wah Yan College, Kowloon, 56 Waterloo Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Please include a note with your name and mailing address for the receipt that may be used for tax deduction in Hong Kong.
(2) Send your donation by bank electronic wiring using the following information:
Account name of recipient: Fr. Kelly Educational Fund Ltd. Bank of recipient: CMB Wing Lung Bank Limited Bank address: 45 Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong Swift Code: WUBAHKHH Account number of recipient: 020-601-206-20136 Purpose: donation in support of Wah Yan College, Kowloon Additional note sent by email to the school principal’s email address:
Peter Li WYK ‘66 Charles Kwan WYK ‘67 Joseph Lau WYK ‘67