Extracted from Signum Volume 2 (2012-2013).

WYK Outgoing PrincipalWaving Farewell to the Principal

Having joined the College in March 2009, Principal Dr. Tan Kang John is going to leave his post at the end of the 2012-13 academic year – the headship of WYK will be transferred after he has completed his service in WYK for 54 months. He shared his pathway as the core of the school authority and his earnest advice for Wahyanites. ...(read the whole story)

WYK New Principal


「哪裏有需要,就往哪裏去」,這是1979年畢業舊生鍾衞良去年決定透過公開招聘投考九龍華仁書院校長的理念。鍾候任校長掌管九華之前,任慈雲山聖文德書院校長,事實上,他的教學及教育行政經驗相當豐富,他自1985年起教書至今共二十八年,曾當副校長十年、校長五年。 ...(閱讀全文)