Class 1962
[2 March 1945 - 10 Jul 2016]
Please click here to view the ablum
Known attendants Sunday 24th July:
Stephen Cheung, Alex Mak, Stephen Chu, Stephen Lee, Poon Lai-yeung, Desmond Lee, James Li, Vicky Tsui, Francis Ip, Silas Yeung, Henry Leung, Lin Tak Kwan, David Koo, Joseph Poon, Florence Lee, David Lee. (Maybe ad hoc supper afterwards ?) [Nicholas Nick, Ho Pak Lee & Brenda out of town & asked me to convey their condolences].
Known attendants Monday 25th July:
Irene Choi, Alex Mak, Henry Leung, Stephen Cheung, Cedric Lam, Silas Yeung, Stephen Lee.
We WYK62's worldwide would probably send just one collective floral arrangement (hopefully not too environmentally unfriendly) as our custom in the past for such events. That would include ALL of us !
Dear all,
Besides showing you the photos & telling you all that our June Gathering was extremely exciting, joyful and delightful, I would like to add that it also doubled as a Birthday celebration for Maestro Ho Pak Lee and yours truly. As a matter of fact, so will it be all future gatherings i.e. celebrating Birthdays of classmates and/or spouses etc. Additionally, there are a number of noteworthy items I would like to draw your attention to as listed below :-
Dear All,
Yet another most successful and joyful gathering down the hatch ! This one is a bit special because there are five (5) - yes 5 - Birthday Boys this month, namely Cedric Lam, Francis Ip, Joseph Poon, Wilson Lee and Silas Yeung!
Thank you, David Koo, although could not attend, nevertheless thoughtfully sent his best BD wishes by providing and signing 5 HUGE Birthday Cards for all others to sign on the spot that night!
For the excellent red wines, which flowed like water, of course - and the marvellous Birthday Cake, we have to offer our appreciation and gratitude again to Michael, as usual!
It was indeed a most memorable and extremely joyful evening to be cherished for a long long time to come! Happy viewing!
All the best from WYK62 Hong Kong,
P.S. It is noteworthy that We were also successful in introducing two 2nd-generation WYK62s to each other.
P.P.S. Please also note the Chinese BD big/small buns beside the cake provided by the restaurant in the photos.
Please click the image to view the album.
Dear Alex and All,
Thank you very much for all the good wishes,
Wishing you and yours:
Anthony Ho
Peter Chang (61) writes, "I attended a special event to pay tribute to a Wah Yan Alumnus Dr. Tak Mak, held on October 15, 2015, hosted by The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation and University Health Network. The event was called "CHAMPION OF HOPE - A TRUBUTE TO DR. TAK MAK AND THE RESEARCH AT THE PRINCESS MARGARET". It was hosted by BMO Financial Group at the First Canadian Place, 100 King Street West, Toronto."
Please click the image to read the story.