She Remembers, He Forgets九龍華仁書院校園歷史悠久,校舍布局及建築風格樸實而優美,素來吸引不少電影製作人員的垂青,選擇借用校園取景拍攝。繼1959年的《青春兒女》以及1975年的《大家樂》之後,剛上映的《哪一天我們會飛》再次選取了九龍華仁書院校園作為拍攝場地。《哪一天我們會飛》的內容圍繞故事主角中學時代的生活,當中不少場面均會令曾於九華就讀的各位帶來共鳴。

 ~ Comments from James Tong (65)

1. It was the opening film for the 2015 Golden Horse Film Festival, and nominated for the Best New Actress.
2. It was co-produced by Teddy Robin and 陳心遙 (WYK alum), who also wrote the script, and drew much of the inspiration from his WYK days.
3. Many outdoor scenes were shot on WYK campus.
I can add a fourth – I was moved to tears just by the trailer when they sing the theme song.
For the trailer, Wikipedia write-up, and Facebook entry, Google 《哪一天我們會飛》
For a press story (published today in HK) by a woman journalist who could not hide her admiration for  華仁仔, click below
Watch this (at least the trailer) and be proud or moved or both.